Wellness Committee



VUSD Student Nutrition Services invites parents, teachers, students, administrators, health professionals, school food services staff, board members and community members to meetings about the school wellness policy.

A healthy school environment supports student learning and well-being. The school wellness policy helps our school create an action plan for nutrition education, nutrition promotion, and physical activity. At our wellness policy meetings, people are invited to share opinions and help ensure the policy meets our students' needs.

Our wellness policy is available by visiting: https://www.vacavilleusd.org/board/board_policies/5000_-_students

Wellness Committee Goals

  1. Improve Nutrition Promotion and Community Outreach We will print hard colored copies of the February and March meal menus to not only promote our meal program and showcase the variety of meals we offer but also to support community outreach and marketing. These printed menus will serve as an engaging tool to highlight the nutritional value of our meals while increasing awareness and participation in our meal program across the district.

  2. Establish Consistent Collaboration Between Nutrition and Physical Education Departments We aim to establish a more consistent and collaborative relationship between the Directors of Student Nutrition and Physical Education. This partnership will ensure that nutrition education is reinforced across the curriculum and supported by the physical education programs. By aligning nutrition with physical activity, we will promote the benefits of healthy habits and optimal wellness for students.

  3. Increase Student Meal Participation by 5% Our goal is to increase student meal participation by 5% by further marketing the use of local and sustainable food ingredients offered during breakfast and lunch. By highlighting the community connection and the positive environmental impact of these food choices, we aim to inspire greater student engagement and a stronger preference for the meals provided in our program.

Join us for our next
Wellness Committee Meeting

Thursday, April 17, 2025
9 a.m. – 10a.m.
401 Nut Tree Road – Boardroom C

Stakeholders unable to attend the meeting may email comments or concerns to Celia Gonzales Baldomero via email at [email protected] or by phone at (707) 454 - 3502.

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